Hey guys for the past 3 days i have been running a Instagram ads to bring more traffic to my site and it really works 81% of the traffic to my site is coming from Instagram. But there was not many sales it was a lot of window shoppers and a couple people had added to cart but did not buy. So far i am pretty happy with the small results i will continue to keep running ads and coming up with great sales. I know a couple guys that started a store and did not see a cent for about 5 mouths but hey that is a part of the game you got to lose to win and learn from your mistakes. I gained a lot of new followers hopefully they will turn into future customers and i
love all the love i am getting on my products i am getting good feed back so far. The Facebook ads are not really doing so good i think i am going to need to make some adjustments to the ads the Facebook people seem very hard to please i am probably targeting the wrong people but i did get 600 new likes to the page so there is some successes on that end. I am so happy to share things with you guys be sure to stop my shop and order a few items we have a lot more products coming soon peace and love guys.
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